Electric Heating

  • Every GARN Wood Boiler is Factory-Ready for the Electric Heating Package

  • Take advantage of low-cost, discounted electric rates that cost less than heating with fuel oil or propane. The GARN wood boiler’s large thermal storage tank makes it an ideal to use your coop or utility’s Off-Peak Electric Heating programs. Heat the GARN water at night with inexpensive electricity, then use the heat during the day.

  • The Electric Heating Package has 3 Components

  • 1 Electric Heating Elements

    A total of 3, 6, or 9 elements are included, depending on package size. The elements are threaded into the front face of the GARN unit

    2 Electric Element Box

    A UL(R) Listed box that mounts to studs on the front of the GARN. A removable cover allows access to the wiring of the elements and keeps insulation a safe distance away.

    3 Power Sequencer

    The power sequencer turns the elements on one-after-another in sequence to provide a gradual and smooth power-up.

  • How It Works

  • The elements, element box, and sequencer are integrated into the existing controls that are part of the GARN wood boiler. The function of the sequencer is to provide power to the electric elements gradually to prevent high power draws on startup.


  • How It’s Installed

  • Step 1: Mount the Element Box and Electric Elements

    The electric elements and element box are installed on the front face of the GARN Wood Boiler.

    Up to 9 electric elements (6 elements on the WHS-1000) at 5.5 kW each can be installed.

    Step 2: Wire the Sequencer

    The sequencer wiring depends on the kW size of the Electric Heating Package used. The 16.5 kW and 33.0 kW packages use a single power sequencer, while the 49.5 kW package uses two sequencers in parallel because of the large power requirements involved.

    16.5 and 33.0 kW Wiring:


    49.5 kW Wiring:


    Step 3: Power Up!


    Flip the switch on the WHS digital controller to “Electric”, and your GARN WHS wood boiler is now ready to take advantage of low-cost electric rates. Burning wood and using electric heat can be done together because the “Electric” mode doesn’t affect the controller’s wood burning operation.

    Speak with your coop or utility to find out about the specific programs offered in your area. Many utilities offer up to $35 per kW of installed electric, off-peak heating equipment. In many cases, it may cost you nothing to install the Electric Heating Package to your GARN unit.

  • Next Steps and Learning More

  • Download our literature and learn more about off-peak heating. Our installation manual contains specifics about wiring, interfacing with the digital controller, and setup.

  • Installation Manual

  • Order Directly Online:

  • The Electric Heating Packages can be ordered online at our parts store. Choose a package below:

  • Need Help Sizing a Pkg?

  • Choosing the correct electric heating package depends on your utility’s specific program rates, how many hours the rates are available each day, and how much heating load you want to offset with electricity. You can’t oversize the pkg, so when in doubt, go bigger. Any number of elements from 1 to 9 can be installed and operated, simply wire the elements you want to use, and don’t wire the ones you don’t want to use.