Ucross Foundation

Posted on Sep 1, 2011

Site: Ucross Foundation in Clearmont, WY

Year Built: 1882

Size: 13,000 sq. ft.

Existing heating system:  2 propane boilers

New System:

  • 2 GARN® WHS 2000 units located in existing 2-car shop/garage
  • Four packaged terminal units provided heating and cooling to four separate offices on the lower level.
  • Replaced existing air handlers and coils, several pumps, all controls and some duct.

Wood Source:

  • Cotton wood, standing dead, and downfall – all harvested locally.

Construction start/end: November, 2007 – July, 2008 Annual fuel savings: 2,500 gallons of propaneProject manager and overall concept: Martin Lunde, PE, Dectra CorporationHVAC design:  McKinley Wood, PEConstruction Supervision:  Ken Thorpe, Powder River The Ucross project was funded by the Ucross Foundation, through generous support from Ucross Founder Raymond Plank, with the on-site personnel support of:  Director Sharon Dynak, maintenance guru Mike Latham and other Ucross staff.

The Ucross Art Gallery and Conference Center

The renovated upper level air handler room.

The renovated upper level air handler room.

The main level Art Gallery where temperature and humidity control are critical.

The new air handler for the main level with precise humidity, ventilation, and temperature control.

The Duo 2

The existing 2 bay shop/garage that was converted into a mechanical building.

The two GARN WHS 2000 units set into position in the mechanical building.

The two GARN WHS 2000 units after installation was completed.

Ucross Foundation Office

Ucross Foundation office

Unloading of the preinsulated underground piping. Approximately 300

Below is the building where the two GARN units are located. It houses the two GARN WHS 2000 units and is their on site maintenance building. The GARN units are located behind the left overhead door.

The primary wood fuel is dead cottonwood available in many areas of WY. Although the BTU/lb is significantly less than oak or other woods, it is still a viable renewable fuel.

For information about the Ucross Fundation visit:
