On April 5th we revisited GARN WHS owner Ernie of YouTube fame. We wanted to see how Ernie was doing with his 25 year old unit.
Ernie’s GARN WHS-2000 in 2016
Ernie’s WHS-2000 in 2000
- His unit is now 25 years old with no major problems.
- His unit burns as well in 2016 as it did in 1991 when it was installed.
- He has never had creosote.
- He heats 5,100 sq ft using about 11 cords of marginal quality cordwood per year.
- He has eliminated the purchase of 50,000 gallons of heating oil (2000 gallons/year).
- He remains healthy because of his wood cutting efforts.
We asked Ernie (mid-eighties young) if we could return in another 16 years for another update. He agreed. Not much else can be said…….he is a man of his word and we will be back.